Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good ideas come and go!

What is people's problem???

We start with an idea.
It might actually help, then it becomes a good idea...
Then we develop it into reality.....
Then we test it out....
OPPSSSS!!! It actually isn't better. Too bad!!!
It is now a BAD idea!
Time to let it go and think of something ELSE!

This follows a lot of areas of our lives. Including things we have grown up with. Sometimes it takes years before we learn that a good idea is actually harmful. Lets learn from that mistake and move on to something new!

Breast feeding is best! Formula is harmful. If you have no choice, THAT is different, but if you do have a choice... We have LEARNED that Breast is best and Formula can be very Harmful.
Same with Vaccines, same with some medications.
GMOs also!
GMO could help hunger could help the world. Great idea. Unfortunately it have been shown to be harmful. Lets LEARN from this and move on!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Birthday Jacket

I tried to post this before. I guess I was too tired when I tried, it has been sitting in drafts for a while. So I thought I would re-post it new.

For my friends daughters 3rd birthday. I knitted up a sweater and Coif.
Her daughter loved it. She put it on her and Lily didn't act annoyed or try to take it off through her whole birthday party.
It is nice when a 3 year old can appreciate a nice homemade knitted sweater. :)))