Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome Carlin!

Kittens are so fun and cute and bad ass, hehe
Carlin, the new member of our family is making himself at home. With us and my knitting. :P

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good ideas come and go!

What is people's problem???

We start with an idea.
It might actually help, then it becomes a good idea...
Then we develop it into reality.....
Then we test it out....
OPPSSSS!!! It actually isn't better. Too bad!!!
It is now a BAD idea!
Time to let it go and think of something ELSE!

This follows a lot of areas of our lives. Including things we have grown up with. Sometimes it takes years before we learn that a good idea is actually harmful. Lets learn from that mistake and move on to something new!

Breast feeding is best! Formula is harmful. If you have no choice, THAT is different, but if you do have a choice... We have LEARNED that Breast is best and Formula can be very Harmful.
Same with Vaccines, same with some medications.
GMOs also!
GMO could help hunger could help the world. Great idea. Unfortunately it have been shown to be harmful. Lets LEARN from this and move on!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Birthday Jacket

I tried to post this before. I guess I was too tired when I tried, it has been sitting in drafts for a while. So I thought I would re-post it new.

For my friends daughters 3rd birthday. I knitted up a sweater and Coif.
Her daughter loved it. She put it on her and Lily didn't act annoyed or try to take it off through her whole birthday party.
It is nice when a 3 year old can appreciate a nice homemade knitted sweater. :)))

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I was poisoned. Can you believe it? Well not on purpose. Was doing some yard work and turns out I am highly sensitive to a poisonous plant in the yard. We haven't lived in this house very long. So I had no clue about this plant.
I had one friend freak when she saw it. Since we have kids, she insisted we think about removing it. Well, we are. Now I have Rheumatoid Arthritis due to this plant. Ugh!!!!!

The doctor did say that it might get better in time since it was caused by this plant and not due to my body getting older. (Sorry, forgot how he explained it)

Ok, so the deal. I am very sensitive to pharmaceutical meds. So they are a no go for me. If anyone has natural remedies or advice. I would much appreciate it.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Ok. I am a knitter. I bet you didn't know that. Well I haven't been too active in that area of my life lately. So I have started to move a bit more forward onto bigger projects, a bit more to talk about worthy.

I have a close friend who is having a baby soon, so I made her this scalloped blanket. Pretty, huh? Well I think so.
I have done this pattern before some years back and this is that one. The yarn is a different material and it is just done in one color. Funny how something so simple can make all the difference in the world.

Cute kitty

I love my kitty cat! He was being exceptionally adorable the other day, so I thought I would share a pic.
We rescued him from certain death a few years ago, so these, to us, are very precious moments. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

More cute!

I am kitty sitting for the weekend. These are the cutest kittens ever!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just too cute.

Love this book, was way too cute. Well a kid growing up in a graveyard may not sound cute, but I like this book! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Current Book

I'm reading several books at the moment. I tend to have more than one book being read at a time. I see it like changing the channel. It can be a great show, but sometimes you are just in the mood for something else.

Out of the few books I have been going threw lately, I am finding one very compelling and worth my time.
So it is the current book that is on my "I have to share this" list.
'Oh my! This is an eye opening book! You just have to check it out!'

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

Have you read it? What did you think about it? If you have't and choose to, let me know your thoughts. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am all for 'live and let live'.

People have rights. The right to choose, the right to freedom of speech. (...and many many more)

What I don't understand is how can anyone choose to back any form of stance that is trying to take away our rights as Americans? I never really talk about political type subjects. Yet, this one is just gnawing at me.

You might whole heartedly believe is something. That is fine, but when you cross the line and try to take away American FREEDOM of choice.. Freedom of speech??? HELLO!!!

The USA is suppose to be a FREE country. Please don't ruin that!!!

(If you are wondering what brought on this rant, I have posted several links at the bottom of this post)


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Missing you

I miss you Mi Abuela!

Been thinking about my grandmother a lot today. I had blogged somewhere else when she left us. I will post it here. She was a fabulous woman!

Miricles and acceptance Sep. 4th, 2005 @ 01:55 pm

You must take the good with the bad. That is what I have always been told.

The good the miracle...

My grandfather was diagnosed over 5 years ago with Alzheimer's Disease. It got bad fast. By this year he was in a wheelchair, couldn't read, or talk more than a couple non-understandable words, and he had no memory of me or anyone else he loved.
Then one day my aunt saw something on TV and found out they could be wrong. It took about 3 months and he got checked with a doctor that knew about what else it could be. He was scheduled for surgery and within hours he was becoming his old self. (I am being a bit vague since I don't remember the name and how it all specifically happened)

So I was on the phone yesterday with a man that I never thought I would talk to or remember my name again. My grandfather, in a coherent conversation, told me he loves me!

Acceptance of how life can be...

Threw all this time, the one person that was there and was strong and cared for him and loved him... My grandmother. A month ago got her husband back. (yes it took a month before I got to talk with him again)

Earlier this week he looked at her and she didnt look well. He knew he couldn't take care of himself so he call the police. They came with an ambulance and took her to the emergency room where she ended up having 2 heart attacks. The first was mild, but the 2nd hit her hard.
Now my mother is with them and they have done all they can. They did a brain scan and it shows sever brain damage. She cannot focus, I am told it is like she cannot wake up from sleeping. (I am in Norway and cannot get to the states to be with them)

My grandmother has never shown fear and has always excepted that she would leave us someday. One of her request has always been to let her go when it is her time, meaning no machines.
So yesterday after talking to the doctors, the family was called and a priest. She has been given her last rights and all the family has had a chance to talk to her and say what they would like to her.
I have spoken to my mother and asked her to talk to her for me. To tell her what is in my heart and how I love her.

So today I am making a Pork roast, a dish she taught me and at 4pm (Norway time) I am lighting a candle and celebrating the life she had and that I had the privilage of being a part of it, being her grandaughter.
That is when they will take her off life support.

I love you mi Abuela! always and forever!


So much for machines Sep. 5th, 2005 @ 11:59 am

Just an update to what happend yesterday.

I got on the phone with my mom. She sounded a lot better. She said she as happy that she has honored my grandmothers wishes and she is no longer hooked to machines.

So I asked her what happen. She said that once the machines were taken off my grandmother started breathing better then when on it! Go figure, she has always been as strong as a bull.
So her breathing is better and her vital signs are better. My mom says it is now a waiting game. The doctor told her that the body can't live without the mind, so soon her vital signs will start to drop. If not (for some odd reason) my mom will ask for another brain scan to conferm what they already know.

I guess with everything else working perfectly, it is hard to get rid of the hope that the doctors are wrong about the brain damage.

I miss her so much and everyone else in my family. I wish I could just hop on a plane to Florida!


She is free Sep. 5th, 2005 @ 10:05 pm

At about midnight in Florida (6am Norway).

She is free! No longer trapped on earth in her body. She's free!