Sunday, April 24, 2011

Current Book

I'm reading several books at the moment. I tend to have more than one book being read at a time. I see it like changing the channel. It can be a great show, but sometimes you are just in the mood for something else.

Out of the few books I have been going threw lately, I am finding one very compelling and worth my time.
So it is the current book that is on my "I have to share this" list.
'Oh my! This is an eye opening book! You just have to check it out!'

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

Have you read it? What did you think about it? If you have't and choose to, let me know your thoughts. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am all for 'live and let live'.

People have rights. The right to choose, the right to freedom of speech. (...and many many more)

What I don't understand is how can anyone choose to back any form of stance that is trying to take away our rights as Americans? I never really talk about political type subjects. Yet, this one is just gnawing at me.

You might whole heartedly believe is something. That is fine, but when you cross the line and try to take away American FREEDOM of choice.. Freedom of speech??? HELLO!!!

The USA is suppose to be a FREE country. Please don't ruin that!!!

(If you are wondering what brought on this rant, I have posted several links at the bottom of this post)
