Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Miss Marple

So in the mood to find a pattern to knit the coat from a TV show. Miss Marple, Murder is Announced. Can't seem to have any luck yet, but I will keep looking.  :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

What a gift!

What a gift! How wonderful, how beautiful! 
So... at what ages does this change? 2? 5? 10? Puberty? Teens? 
Never! It never changes, we were all born as a Gift to this world. We are all valuable, wonderful and amazing!!!
Look in the mirror and remind yourself often, you are precious, Always! 
Love to all! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fellow knitter pic

Not sure how many actually read my posts, here. No worries. This one is not a real post. It is just an excuse to post a pic to help a fellow knitter with an idea for a project.  :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

So.. Yea...

So.. Yea... More knitting. Guess that explains why little blogging has been done. 
First off a birthday gift for my close friend. You know, the Dr. Whoovian that wanted the scarf. Made her some cloths for whatever. Seems I will have to make her more. She is afraid to use them in case she ruins them. Guess I need to make an extra set. One for show and one for use. You gotta use these things. that is the whole point. To use items with your joy attached and Dr.Who brings her much joy!  :-D

Now, the other project I have been busy on has been a scarf for my great Aunt. This one was a labor of love. Her twin was my grandmother who passed a few years back. Both are kind, loving and fantastic. Living so far away makes it difficult for her to know how much I care and appreciate her. For being a fantastic sister to my grandmother a wonderful Aunt to my mother and a wonderful mother to my cousins. 
I do hope she feels the love that was put into making this!

The pattern is called Chain of Hearts. It is a rib pattern and when looking close at it, it looks like hearts have been put into the rib,  :)