Saturday, July 31, 2010


Only a few more days left of my vacation!
I love being in Göteborg, I don't wanna leave. So many things I want to do, so little time left.

I am gonna have to get better at convincing my husband to move here. :P

Friday, July 30, 2010


Spent yesterday with my best friend for his birthday. Not too often I am in the same town as he. So it was nice to be able to spend time with him yesterday.
I guess I attract long distance relationships. When I was dating my husband, him from Norway and me being from California and now my best friend of 5 years. Me in Norway (now) and him from Sweden.

Oh to live near the people I love would be paradise. Yet it is only a dream. The people I love seem to span the globe a bit.
Hope you had a great day yesterday Sweets. Thank you for spending it with me. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sore feet

We had such a nice day yesterday, that we opted for a repeat. Another day walking threw Liseberg, this time I enjoyed more rides with my son.

Such fun, who knew I was more into rollercosters than he is. Dragged him around nicely. Torturing him in line as only a mother could. Luckly, for him, most others spoke Swedish and could not understand what I was saying to make him kringe that he was next to his mom.

What a great day!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It was a Liseberg kind of day

So today we spent the day walking till our feet screamed out for relief.
I am so use to working at theme parks, not enjoying them. So today was a nice adventure.

We brought plenty of water and fruit and spent the day standing in lines and enjoying shows. If you ever get to Göteborg Sweden, this is a nice place to visit for a day.

Fun, family, friends, face painting and sore feet. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New York

Who doesn't love New York in the rain? Me. I do love NY, but not in the rain, not to live. My husbands dream is for us to move to New York and live.
Perhaps in the future, but not now. Not for me. I love city living, but it isn't a great way to raise kids (imo) and the commuting. Been there done that. I like it better here.

If you have kids or if you can imagine having kids, where would you prefer to live? What state, country, city... place. Where do you want your kids to be raised?

Greetings all

Time to start a new blog. I haven't quite found my writing style, so I have tossed a few of these attempts out. Hopefully this one will be a bit more smooth.

I have also started to get back into taking pictures again. I got a nice camera recently and been having a bit of fun with it. I am in NO way an expert photographer, so don't get your hope up too high. The only plus is I enjoy taking pictures. perhaps in time I will get better. I hope you all enjoy them anyway.

So here we go. Sit back, grab a drink or a cup of coffee.. maybe tea? I am usually a tea drinker myself, but lately I have been going threw this coffee kick.
Heres to my new blog... Skål!